Parks & Open Spaces
Parks & Open Spaces
Fairhill Playing Field
Fairhill Playing Field was transferred to Penrith Town Council on the 4 April 2018. Fairhill is an area of public open space which provides for informal recreation.
The playing field covers an area of 8 acres and provides in the main an open grassed area. There is a small children’s play area which was upgraded in November 2017. The play area is managed and inspected on our behalf by Eden District Council.
The upkeep and development of the field is supported by the Fairhill Recreation Group, which is a constituted group set up with the aim to enhance the area for the public’s enjoyment. The Recreation Group was integral in raising the funds for the development of the play area and is seeking further improvements to the site.
Persons are permitted to exercise their dogs on the field, however we respectfully ask that any dog mess is collected by the dog owners and deposited in the bins at the entrance to the field. We would further request that the public dispose of any litter in the bins at the entrances.
The maintenance of the grass, planting and the trees is the responsibility of the Town Council. This work is contracted to Lowther Forestry Ltd.
Should you identify any issues, defects or concerns relating to the Fairhill Playing Field then please report them to the Council.
Thacka Beck Field
Thacka Beck Field was transferred to Penrith Town Council on the 5 November 2020, following a community asset transfer from Cumbria County Council. Thacka Beck is an area of public open space which provides for informal recreation.
The field covers an area of approximately 6 acres and provides in the main an open grassed area. There is currently a well-used informal footpath across the field linking the A686 with Tynefield Drive.
The Council will maintain the field via a grass cutting contract commencing in 2021 and hopes to be able to work with the local community to identify what if any improvements or uses the community would wish to see on Thacka Beck.
The Council is committed to climate change and will be considering how Thacka Beck could managed to promote flora and fauna and contribute to the aims set out in the Council’s strategy ‘Penrith A Carbon Neutral Town’.
Persons are permitted to exercise their dogs on the field; however we respectfully ask that any dog mess is collected by the dog owners and deposited in nearby bins. We would further request that the public dispose of any litter.
Should you identify any issues, defects or concerns relating to the Thacka Beck Field then please report them to the Council.
Fees and Charges
Fees for use of Fairhill and Thacka Beck Fields for 01 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 are:
Registered Charities, schools and Community Groups delivering community activity, play events, fetes, holiday activity schemes or free to use activities: No Charge.
Private business organisations, commercial events:
£12.00 per hour; or
£30 per morning (3 hours) or
£42 for the afternoon (4 hours)
£60.00 Full Day
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