Precept & Budget
Precept & Budget
The Council’s budget is called the Precept, and is the amount the Town Council asks from Eden District Council as a proportion of the Council Tax paid by householders of Penrith. The Council utilises the precept, to provide services and to deliver the Council Plan.
This link will open our current Council Plan as a PDF booklet.
The Town Council’s portion of Council Tax bill depends on which band a property is in. Properties are put into one of eight bands, A being the lowest, and H the highest, with Band D being the average.
2023-2024 Budget
Please use the underlined links to view the PDF report appendices to the Budget Report:
Appendix A – Proposed Budget 2023/24
Appendix B – Medium Term Financial Plan 2023/24 to 2027/28
Appendix C – Medium Term Financial Plan Service Development Proposals
The Town Council has approved a budget for the year commencing on 1 April 2023 which requires a precept (or levy) of £468,295 to pay for Council services. Eden District Council is notified of the amount of the precept and collects the money on behalf of the Town Council from council taxpayers in Penrith.
The precept of £468,295 represents an annual Council Tax of £83.09 for a Band D property, which is unchanged from the previous year 2022/23.
The precept is a increase of £13,086 from the precept levied for 2022/2023. The 2023/24 budget was adjusted to remove any one-off items and to include costs of contractually committed changes to expenditure or income, with inflationary increases only applied where necessary.
New service development proposals are also included within the precept amount and will notably include the support for the Penrith Christmas Lights and Town Greening via an increase in the Town Projects budget.