Your Say
About Places to Talk
The Places to Talk project is helping to bring people together to talk about their experiences of living through the Covid-19 pandemic and to share their hopes for the future. We want to help people across Cumbria to come together and have a “place to talk”. Read about how to get involved in the Places to Talk leaflet (PDF 4MB).
The key elements of the project are:
A short film and social media shorts of local Cumbrian’s experience of the pandemic covering a range of very different stories. These are designed to encourage open discussion between people providing opportunity to reflect upon their personal experience.
A resource pack to support community groups to run film and discussion sessions; this includes a suggested outline for a session and information on how people can access further support if they need it.
A small awards scheme administered by Action with Communities in Cumbria (ACT) to cover the costs of groups running sessions where some additional funding (for example advertising, room hire and refreshments etc) will help.
Further information about Places to Talk is available on the Cumbria County Council web-site via the link below:
Community Engagement’ is the cornerstone of good local governance, and an integral component in how we conduct our affairs and how we reflect the expressed needs of people living in Penrith
Our overall goal is to ensure we engage with you in the right way. We want to encourage more people to participate in what the Town Council does or hopes to do. We want you to have a role in decision-making and planning that affects your life, the lives of your family and other people in the local community. By providing a variety of opportunities for you to participate and feed in your views, our decisions will become increasingly more sensitive and responsive to your needs and concerns.
Public Participation at Council Meetings
Which meetings are open to the public?
- Every meeting of the Full Council is open to the press and public.
- Council Committees.
The Council provides opportunity for members of the public to make statements or ask questions. Public Participation at meetings is called Public Participation and appears at the beginning of the meeting.
Prior to the meeting please write to the Town Clerk informing the Council that you wish to speak. You will be allowed to speak at the discretion of the Chair. Your name will not be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Please be aware that the meeting may be video recorded. Please inform the Chair if you do not want your image or name on the recording.
More than one question may be asked by an individual questioner subject to the time limit of 3 minutes.Where a number of questions or statements are received expressing a similar view on one agenda item it is expected that a representative will be nominated to voice those views to minimise repetition. Supplementary questions will be allowed for a maximum of 2 minutes.
The Council may respond to you at the meeting or may write to you.
You must not interrupt speakers or speak during the member’s debate. You must not hold conversations with other members of the public during meetings.
Members of the public who become disruptive during the meeting will be asked by the Chairman to leave.
Learning from what you feel we get right and what we could do better
Penrith Town Council Officers and Councillors work as a team to deliver high quality services to the Penrith Community. We hope to get it right most of the time and would love to hear from you when we do. If we do sometimes get things wrong, or you feel our services are generally not up to scratch, then let us know about that too, and we will do all we can to resolve problems as quickly as possible. Our resolve is to ‘make a difference’ to Penrith. We would love to hear from you so that we can learn from the things you feel we get wrong as well as the things you think we get right.
Additional ways to contact us or get involved
Please feel able to call iin to the Town Council Office during office opening hours, phone for a chat or to arrange an appointment, and email us if you need help or information or want to tell us about something.
We can also put you in touch with your ward Councillor for any of the tiers of local government if you wish to discuss an issue or concern, or if you have an idea to improve the town.
Find out about Consultations
We use Cumbria Citizen Space to host our consultations and if you use this site you can view other consultations in Cumbria.
Use this underlined link to open citizenspace
What to do if you cannot access parts of this page
We want to ensure that everyone can access our information and we are working to improve our website. Please contact us if you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read or in an alternative format.
We will consider your request and respond to you in ten working days.