Supporting or Opposing a Planning Application
Supporting or Opposing a Planning Application
Penrith Town Council considers all planning applications within Penrith parish. Some non contentious applications are responded to quite quickly whilst large-scale or contentious applications always go to committee. All applications are considered against the National Planning Policy Framework and the saved Core Strategies of Eden District Council (now Westmorland and Furness Council) although they will also be considered against the Local Plan and Penrith’s own Neighbourhood Plan once they are adopted.
Staying up to Date
You can find out which applications will be considered by the Town Council’s Planning Committee by opening the agenda on the Planning Committee page of this website.
If you are an immediate neighbour of an applicant you should receive written notification from Westmorland and Furness Council detailing where you can view the application and how you can make your views known to them.
Westmorland and Furness Council produce a weekly planning list which you can view using the underlined link below:
Use this underlined link as a short cut to the Westmorland and Furness website
Expressing Concerns or Support
Residents are encouraged to advise the Town Council of any concerns that they might have about planning proposals that the feel affects them. Letters in support or against an application should be sent to the planning department at Westmorland and Furness Council as, ultimately, they make the decision to approve or refuse an application. However, we request that copies also be forwarded to Penrith Town Council, preferably by email.
As with all Planning Committee meetings, members of the public have the opportunity to express their opinion in person to the committee members. Objectors or supporters have 3 minutes to present their argument but you must advise us at least the day before hand that you wish to speak so that in the interests of fairness and transparency we allow the other side to present their views as well.
What to do if you cannot access parts of this page
We want to ensure that everyone can access our information and we are working to improve our website. Please contact us if you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read or in an alternative format.
We will consider your request and respond to you in ten working days.