Preferred Options Consultation
We undertook an additional informal consultation from 26 June until 31st July 2018 to see whether we had covered all the issues raised during the initial consultation which were used to help develop the Plan (see questionnaire below). Thank you to everyone who popped in to see us or completed a consultation form.
The consultation was publicised through regular press releases, a newsletter delivered to most households in the parish area, through our social media pages and on our website.
In addition to comments on the draft Policies, we sought suggestions for any key views and vistas that you would wish to see protected (Policy 5 Page 47). We suggested two but asked residents of the Town and surrounding villages to propose their favourites for consideration.
Although there are two Conservation Areas in the town we are aware that there may be streets or non-listed buildings outside these areas that residents and visitors to the town would wish to see designated as heritage assets. We suggested Drovers Lane, Croft Avenue and Brunswick Road School (page 47) and welcomed any other suggestions for consideration.
The consultation asked people to look at the full document on line or drop into the Library or Penrith Town Council Offices to look at a hard copy of the full document. A copy of the policies and supporting actions could be collected and taken away from either of the venues or emailed to individuals if requested. The feedback form could be completed and handed in at either venue or completed on Survey Monkey.
A total of 70 individual responses were received, 67 from members of the public and 3 from organisations. The Neighbourhood Plan Group carefully considered all the comments and queries and their responses to them can be found on the link below.