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Steering Group

a drawing of a house

Penrith Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group 

Meetings of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group are not open to the public.

The Planning Committee has delegated authority to; respond to all planning matters in the town and parish, and to develop a Neighbourhood Plan for Penrith. The Town Council  approved the terms of reference for the Penrith Neighbourhood Plan Group (PNPG) and the members of the Planning Committee are members of the group.

The Group also includes representatives of the community with expertise or interest in the areas to be considered. Representatives from PACT (Penrith Action for Community Transition), CAFS (Cumbria Action for Sustainability), businesses (ie the BIDs[Business Improvement Districts], and Chamber of Trade), education providers (The Headteachers of Queen Elizabeth Grammar School and UCC and a representative from Askham Bryan College at Newton Rigg), Cumbria Youth Alliance, Churches Together, Eden Valley Artistic Network and a representative from health and minority groups. The Group is supported by Michael Wellock from Kirkwells who are a planning consultancy business with expertise and success in Neighbourhood Plan development.

The objective of the PNPG is to produce a sound Neighbourhood Plan for the parish of Penrith that defines the spatial planning policy priorities identified by the community, taking into account all representations made during the plan making process and having regard to all relevant existing plans and evidence.

The Area Designation Notice is the legal document designating Penrith Parish as the Neighbourhood Plan Area.

It is anticipated that additional people may be invited to meetings to answer questions or provide evidence on specific topics which may change but are likely to cover:

  1. Housing (and built environment)
  2. Leisure, Wellbeing and Greenspaces (including amenity and facilities)
  3. Getting Around – Transport and Infrastructure
  4. Town Centre and Heritage
  5. Business and Tourism (including economic development)

Current Steering Group Members are:

Chairman – Councillor Jackson

Penrith Town Councillors and:

Ms Roe Baker – Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAFs)
Mr John Bodger – Penrith Action for Community Transition (PACT)
Mr Stephen Macaulay – Penrith Chamber of Trade
Cumbria Youth Alliance
Churches Together
Newton Rigg as part of Askham Bryan College

Professional Support is provided by Michael Wellock – Kirkwells Town Planning Consultants
Administrator and Co-ordinator – Rosalyn Richardson (Deputy Town Clerk)

Other Contributors:

with thanks to the following who have also contributed to the Steering Group

Penrith Town Centre Business Improvement District (Penrith BID)
Ullswater Community College
Queen Elizabeth Grammar School
Simon Whalley – Eden Valley Artistic Network
Heather Walker – Eden Arts
Chris Dunning and Juan Shimmin – Cumbria Youth Alliance
Karen Harvey – Penrith Chamber of Trade
Fiona Johnson – first Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Group
Peter Baker – ex Penrith Town Councillor
Philip Lund

PNPG Terms of Reference

All local councils must have terms of reference for committees which outline their responsibilities and their rules of procedure. PNPG COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE]